Earn Free Internet when you refer friends, family, even frenemies to NetJOI. Our revamped referral program is in direct response to feedback from our customers, and brings exciting benefits for everyone. We value the feedback and recommendations we receive from our customers, and we are always looking for ways to show our appreciation.

Here’s how it’ll work: When you refer a customer to us, both parties will receive a month of free service as a token of our gratitude. It’s a win-win situation, where you (the referee) and your friend (the referred) will be able to reap the benefits of free Internet.
To help you better understand our referral program, here’s an example: Imagine you, an existing NetJOI customer, refers your friend Sarah to join our services. Sarah decides to sign up and activate her Internet services, and as a result, you will receive free Internet for a month as a thank you. Sarah will also get free Internet for a month of service from us as a welcome to our NetJOI family.
Both you and Sarah will receive the equivalent of 1 month of service in JOIBucks, our points program, credited to your account. As the referee, you will receive your JOIBucks within a few days of Sarah’s service being activated and Sarah will receive her JOIBucks within 2 to 3 months of activation.
Frequently Asked Questions
Will I really get a month of free Internet?
Yes, both you (the referee) and the person that is referred will get a free month of service. We are still a young, growing company and not only do we want to supercharge our growth but we also want to thank our customers for standing with us.
Who can I refer?
You can refer friends, family, even frenemies (hopefully you only have a few) as long as they live in one of the service areas where NetJOI provides Internet service, namely the provinces of Ontario, Quebec, Alberta, British Columbia and Nova Scotia. You can refer as many people as you like and as often as you like. If you know a lot of friends, family and frenemies, You could even get free Internet for life! At NetJOI, we are always looking to make new friends, so we would be extra happy if you introduce us to some of yours. We promise that we are super friendly!
When will I get my free month of Internet?
When the person that you refer activates their Internet service, you will get the equivalent of one month of free Internet, in JOIBucks, within a few days of their activation. The person that is referred will also get 1 month of free Internet between their second and third month of service.
What is the JOIBucks reward program?
As a young company, we are always looking for opportunities to supercharge our growth. Our JOIBucks reward program is a way to reward our customers for standing with us. For more details on our JOIBucks, this article on JOIBucks being a good and practical way to reward customers is a good read.
In short, JOIBucks, similar to the PC Optimum or AirMiles Reward, is a points programs operated by NetJOI where we award you points for signing-up with NetJOI, no matter what package you choose. But it doesn’t stop there. Becoming a customer is just the beginning of the JOIBucks journey.
Other ways to earn rewards? Pay your bills on time. (Yes, you get rewarded for this.) Get a new/extra product. Stick around for a year. Get rewarded randomly because NetJOI decides to run an event or offer bonuses.
How can I use the JOIBucks earned from my referrals?
The JOIBucks will be deposited within one month for the referee and within two to three months for the person who was referred. The JOIBucks are yours to use as desired – redeem right away to get free Internet, save and use later on a rainy day or use when you sign-up for new services from NetJOI.